Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Into the Dragon's Den

Hey, guys! Like so many people out there, I wrote a book. I guess you could say I ghost wrote it but Holy Spirit let me put my name of the cover. It is a fiction book aimed at young adults but I've been told its a good book for any age.  It was written with a definite lean toward the young Christian, I tried hard to not include obvious Christian jargon for the non-believer. It has been accepted for publishing and should be available for pre-sale around the end of September or early October 2023. I will let you know when pre-sales are available. God bless you and keep you in these difficult time. 

Ever wonder if there is more to this life? Daniel did, even though he didn’t realize it. He was just a mild mannered, teenage boy trying to deal with the challenges of a major move, a lack of friends at a new school, and the school bully’s repeated attacks. All he wanted was to get through school and immerse himself in his video games and hope that life would somehow get better. Then he met the town’s matriarch who offered him something different, an alternate reality.

Follow Daniel as he slips into realms beyond his own. Daniel discovers it takes faith to follow his destiny and learn the truth of his identity. He finds new friends and together they discover the truth of Evil, its tactics for destruction, and its influence on the darkness of their world as they find themselves within the Dragon’s Den.

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